Wednesday, April 16, 2008

July deadline for windscreen tints, xenon headlights - The Star

KUALA KRAI: April 16, 2008

Vehicle owners flouting Road Transport Department (JPJ) regulations on windscreen tinting and xenon headlights be warned – you have until July to comply with the rules.
JPJ enforcement division director Salim Parlan said the department continued to encounter vehicles with heavily tinted windscreens and flashy xenon headlights, particularly the imported luxury vehicles.

"I hope they will adhere to the specifications set by JPJ on tinting windscreens and xenon headlights". SALIM PARLAN “I hope they will adhere to the specifications set by JPJ on tinting windscreens and xenon headlights,” he said.

Meanwhile, Salim said JPJ had begun to install its own automatic camera system (AES) at strategic traffic light junctions and highways throughout the country to track down errant drivers.

He added that the installation of cameras was being done in stages, starting with the North-South Highway.

The AES is primarily to track drivers exceeding the speed limit and disobeying traffic light regulations.

The first stage will also cover strategic traffic lights in Shah Alam, Salim said after attending a JPJ community programme in Mengekebang here.

The cameras will record offences and transmit them to JPJ server computers, which can immediately print out the summons and the type of offence.

Enforcement officers will then track down the drivers and serve the summon notices.
The same computers will then upload the offences to the JPJ online driver demerit system which monitors all offences committed by registered drivers in the country.

Salim said the AES would be installed in other strategic areas throughout the country by December.

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