Thursday, May 8, 2008

No mountain too high - The Star

BEING born with hearing problems was not an obstacle to Tang Woan Koon’s earning a university degree.

Although it was difficult for her to follow lectures, Tang made it a point to see her lecturers personally after classes for extra lessons.

An elated Tang at the convocation ceremony.

The 26-year-old’s hard work paid off recently when she received her Bachelor of Information Technology degree from Charles Sturt University at Help University College's (HELP) 20th convocation ceremony.

She was also awarded the HELP CEO Scholarship.

“(It was) sheer determination and hard work that led to my success today,” said Tang, in a note read out by the emcee before she received her degree.

“Getting this degree would not have been possible if not for the support of my lecturers and coursemates. You have made a difference in my life. Thank you.”

Later at a press conference, Tang, the eldest of three children in her family, said her advice for her hearing-impaired friends was to adopt a positive attitude.

“You have to think positive, it does not matter that you’re deaf.

“You also have to work hard. Whether you succeed or not depends on yourself,” she said, through her interpreter, Rose Ng.

Tang said she planned to start looking for a job although she knew that would not be easy.

“Many people worry that we cannot communicate but we are like any other normal person, except that we can’t hear.

“I want to work in the information technology industry because that's going to be a very important industry in the future,” she said.

HELP's convocation ceremony was also a memorable occasion for Datuk Maznah Hamid, who turned 50 recently.

Maznah received an honorary Master of Entrepreneurship from the institution.

“This year has been very meaningful for me,” said the Securiforce Group of Companies group executive chairman, who was also named Mother of Entrepreneurs by Avon Cosmetics (M) Sdn Bhd recently.

Maznah recalled how she had started her company, at the age of 23, in 1981, with only RM5,000 as capital. She built up her security services company through sheer hard work, perseverance and commitment.

“I don't have an MBA or a PhD but I have MSC (Master of Common Sense), BSS (Bachelor of Street Smarts) and PS (People Skills).

“I come from the university of hard knocks.

“I have 20% IQ (intelligence quotient) and 80% EQ (emotional quotient), and that is the way to be successful in business,” she said.

Maznah also told the graduates that the only way to predict the future was to invent it, and advised them never to give up in the face of challenges.

“Business is a war; you must have strategies to win. It is not easy, but it is not impossible.

“With the right personality, you can gain acceptance and build your own business,” she added.

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