Friday, June 13, 2008

3rd International Conference on “Postgraduate Education: Multidisciplinary Perspectives” - December 16-17, 2008

The 3rd International Conference on “Postgraduate Education: Multidisciplinary Perspectives” will be held from December 16-17, 2008 in Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. It will be hosted by Universiti Sains Malaysia, in cooperation with the Deans Council of Graduate Schools and the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. The 1st conference on higher education was organized by University Malaya in 2004 while the 2nd conference on higher education was organized by University Malaysia Sarawak in 2006.

This Conference will be a meeting of minds to primarily discuss on significant issues which focus on multidisciplinary perspectives in higher education. The conference will provide a vibrant scholarly space to critically and creatively engage with new ideas and research about teaching and lifelong learning in higher education. In addition to researcher and student presentations, experts of the region will also be invited to give keynote speeches, sharing their insights on challenges and issues facing contemporary scholarship on higher education.

Call For Papers

Participants wishing to give an oral or poster presentation during the conference are advised to submit copies of their abstract for review by the Academic Working Committee. Papers submitted should indicate the sub-theme proposed for the presentation.

Authors are requested to submits soft copies of their abstract to the Secretariat no later than 31 July 2008. Upon acceptance of the abstract, authors are required to submit the full paper within 60 days after indication of acceptance by the Secretariat.

Instruction to authors for the preparation of abstract as follows:-

Authors must register in order to submit an abstract. Abstracts must be submitted in English. The entire abstract (including abstract title, authors and affiliations) must not exceed one A4 size page. Abstracts should be submitted in a Microsoft Word file and using size 12 Times Roman Font.

Abstract title must be in CAPITAL letters. Do not indent.

Author and co-authors names, institutions, cities and countries are to be typed under the title. List each author by institution, city and country. Do not include degrees or professional titles (PhD, Prof., etc.). List the email address of the contact author only.

Leave one line of space between the title/author block and the body of the abstract.

Abstract text must be single-spaced. Do not leave blank lines between paragraphs. Abstracts should be concise, informative and should contain objective, methods, results and conclusion.

Tables, graphs and other types of images should not be included in abstracts. References, credits or grant support should not be included in abstracts.

Submit the abstract via our submission system. Please make sure that you select the topic(s) in which your abstract falls from these following sub-theme:

Internationalisation, Multiculturalisation, Quality Research, Philosophy of Graduate Studies, Breakthrough Research, Supervision Commercialising Research (Click here for more detailed info)

As the selected presentations will be published into proceeding, authors are expected to submit their full paper in a format which will advised by the Secretariat.

Important Dates

Due date for abstract submission - 31st July 2008
Notification of acceptance on or before - 30th September 2008
Closing date for early-bird registration - 31st July 2008
Closing date for late registration - 30th November 2008
Conference 16th - 17th December 2008

More details at:


  1. anyone going to register for the conference?

  2. Trying to gather more info first and then decide what to do with it. Looks like I might be going there may be as a participant
