Saturday, August 15, 2009

QuestionPro University Partnership – Free Access to Students and Faculty

Aug 15, 2009

Over the years, we’ve offered QuestionPro free for Non-Profits and Students (on an individual basis) – Over next few months, we are planning on phasing out the Individual Student License and focus our efforts on the University Partnership.

The University Partnership License is an easy model for both universities and us to engage students and faculty members to collect data and analyze them. With the current belt-tightening and reduced budgets universities can offer their students access to QuestionPro across the board free of charge.

What is the catch?
Nothing is really free – correct – yes. We actually gain two important aspects:

a) Visibility – Students using QP usually after graduation come back to use us in a commercial setting. B-School students often take up jobs as Product Managers or decision makers that need data – Surveys are obviously an easy model to collect data.

b) Cutting Edge Enhancements – We are obviously big believers in “keeping ahead of the curve” and a lot of our enhancements that we’ve done are a direct response to users asking for them. Typically students and faculty members are more inclined to try out new models and ideas for data-collection than commercial counterparts. This allows QuestionPro to be in tune with trying new ideas.

Unique Challenges in the Academic Environment
One of the single biggest challenges doing a human-subject study is IRB Approval. If you’re a student or a faculty member – you know the process and the challenge. We have designed a few specific ideas that help you with the IRB Approval process:

a) Having an INTRO QuestionType with an “I Agree” Checkbox – This is almost a requirement by most IRB’s of Universities that human subjects explicitly agree to the survey process.

b) Standard agreements with some universities for IRB and Data-Collection Standards.

c) Details on Privacy and Compliance – than can be submitted to the IRB’s as part of the approval process.

What participants have said

“QuestionPro survey builder is much
easier than other products I have tried, and the level of support was
quite impressive. From creating the survey to analyzing the data, QuestionPro made the process simple yet professional.”

Bret Roark

Director of Assessment

Oklahoma Baptist University

Getting On-Board with the University Partnership
We’ve also streamlined the on-boarding of the partnership. If you are the dean or a faculty member (or if you are a student – please ask your faculty member) please see:

All the details are there. You can apply for it online and we’ve also a dedicated Point of Contact for all University Partnership Requests – You can email Naeem Shaik – naeem.s [at] surveyanalytics [dot] com – he can guide you through the process and answer any questions.

Additional References:

1. University Partnership Details
2. FAQ on University Sponsorship
3. Partnership Inquiries:
naeems [at] surveyanalytics [dot] com


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