The theme of the conference is:
and the sub-themes are:
1. Ideology and Philosophy
- Building people’s awareness of sustainable learning communities
- Creating sustainability and knowledge of the benefits of ODL through government support for distance learning
- Supporting Colleges/universities to serve as models of sustainable learning communities
- Discovering how sustainable learning communities form, develop and are maintained
- Sharing perspectives of building of sustainable learning communities through ODL
2. Partnership and Communication
- College/university partnership – mapping the ways for building sustainable learning communities
- Government/College/University partnership – creating sustainable partnership in enabling ODL providers to access government support as an alternative model to traditional face-to-face learning
- Developing links between community development and ODL.
- Creating open and multiple pathways/channels for communication through ODL to build sustainable learning communities.
3. Methodology and Technology
- Use of advanced technologies of e-learning to increase the effectiveness of building sustainable learning communities
- ODL technologies in enabling and connecting sustainable learning communities
- ODL technologies in education policies that can help building sustainable learning communities
- Use of advanced technologies to enhance student learning outcomes and achievements.
- Mobile technology support for building sustainable learning communities.
4. Sustainability, Access, Equity and Quality
- ODL quality assurance to build sustainable learning communities.
- ODL in places where access to education is limited at various levels.
- Use of ODL to improve access, equity and quality of sustainable learning communities
- Instructional materials access and support for its development to build sustainable learning communities.
- Best practices and conditions associated with effective ODL environment.
5. Opportunities and Challenges
- ODL to balance imbalances in our educational systems to support marginalized populations by traditional educational systems
- Challenges in the implementation of ODL toward building sustainable learning communities
- Future trends in ODL to adapt to new environments of sustainable learning communities.
Important Dates
- 15th June, 2010: Deadline for abstracts
- 1st July, 2010: Notification of acceptance of abstracts
- 31st July , 2010: Submission of full papers for publication
- 31st July, 2010: Early-bird registration deadline
- 15th September, 2010: Deadline for registration